We all know who this is really supposed to be! Even though it is not technically Godzilla sans atomic breath and glowing back fins, but what other reptillian monster towers over skyscrapers, rips them in two like Lego, has a series of jets flying overhead him and can take a good wollup of ammo fire and still smile for the camera? Well at least I always thought of this Black Light poster as Godzilla, and still do. There are two posters that I take everywhere. The Roger Dean poster that came with the first art book I ever bought myself called Views and this poster called Crusher. From my bedroom studio at 14 to my present studio at 47, and every place in between, they are up on my wall.
I love comic books and I used to copy pictures from them a lot when I was a kid. It's a good exercise for eye/hand coordination. When I bought my first technical drawing ink pens, I continued to copy, but straight without any underlying framework or sketching with the pencil first and certainly without tracing..... and no whiteout! I look back and think that it must be someone else, but there were a few others drawings done at that time with my name on it.