Friday, July 27, 2012

Yesterday Monster Today Artwork

MADE IN TAIWAN - This is all I know about these crazy puffy monster stickers. They are not that luminous and neither was my search in providing any more information. No company name. Obviously these were knocked-off in hopes of cashing in on some monster trend. But aren't monsters always trendy? It's also oversees companies that are trying to figure out what we western kids are really into.  I acquired an almost full box of these many years ago. I imagine they are from the early 70's. They were loose in the box but it looks like they were hand cut from a larger sheet.

In my search I found a more recent printing and package of these from 1989, where they are all on one sheet. Also I found someone who has a collection of small plastic masks of which some of them are these figures, like  I-Oneman and Mechelus. Who are these creatures? Are these 'new' creatures thought up by the artist who also had to redraw the classic monsters for the sticker company in Taiwan that they were working for of which later the designs became classics unto their own. I love all the designs, except for the Wicked Witch, but I suppose it's good to have at least one female monster in the bunch. Men are all the real monsters. I would love to see some of these designs blown up and printed on t-shirts, especially the Mummy, Mechelus and the slightly transy Frankenstein. They are very naive drawings, but as the way that contemporary illustrators are working these days, these drawings are right in the times. Another question, What's with the flowery, fruity graphic on the side front of the box?

All the above images are my own scans. Below are other images I found on the web.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rodan Attacks Godzilla Weekend

Godzilla - 2012 - acrylic on illustration board - 15 x 20 in.

Yes, all weekend right now is my Godzilla Weekend. Movies, Magazines and Painting all weekend long. At the moment there is a Godzilla convention called G-Fest held in Rosemont, Illinois, U.S.A., just outside of Chicago. I was hoping to get out there this year,... but no.

The convention (this is it's 19th year!) is organized by G-Fan magazine and it's publisher J.D. Lees.  He so kindly offered to take a couple of my paintings to the convention for display, so I hope many people are seeing them right now! Here they are now!

These are my first and second Godzilla paintings. This week I've already finished a third and this weekend I'l be finishing my fourth. They are all a bit different from one another, and I contribute this to my channelling efforts of all fans of Godzilla painting, especially right now happening on this weekend. There is a full page color reproduction of my Godzilla painting (above) published in G-Fan Magazine No.99.

Rodan Attack - 2012 - acrylic on illustration board - 15 x 20 in.

Here I am right now sporting my new Godzilla t-shirt that my son bought for me last week at Value Village. What a terrific find!....and just in time for my Godzilla Weekend 2012.