No one told me Hong Kong would be like this!
©2011 Don Bindas - acrylic on wood - 26 x 26 inches
Yay, I own this panting and I LOVE it!
Its got COLOR smashing your brain, It's got ACTION to to keep you on your toes, it's got VICTORY to keep you happy & it's got MYSTERY to get you thinking!
Well it's got me thinking anyway. I don't think the artist will agree with me, but I think these two characters look pretty happy together. I think they're a team and ready to chop and strangle some heads. They just pretend to fight, then when the enemy gets curious enough and decides to pick sides and help out to eliminate one of these dudes, POW! The enemy is no more.
This is what Don Bindas has to say -
"The minotaur painting (I don't remember the title but it probably seems inappropriate at first)... Hmmm. It originally started out as a painting about Canadian troops disembarking in Hong Kong during WWII but things changed about halfway through and it just got silly after that. It is mixed media. There is a lot of tissue paper incorporated in it as well as cheap acrylic paint used for textural purposes and it is painted on top of a thin plywood (balsaboard?). I used to play dungeons and dragons so maybe there is some of that leaking out. In addition to history and mysteries, have read a lot of fantasy and science fiction, some of which was dreadful, and that may also be influencing me."
"Is there any deeper message underlaying the piece? Possibly but if so it hasn't revealed itself to me. I often wonder why I am painting something only to understand it after it's finished. Sometimes there is humour or playfulness but there can be a deeper or darker aspect to it as well. Some are still too personal for me to discuss."

Don Bindas is my friend and I feel is turning into a fine painter who I can see has loads of fun. Through his wacky ideas and methods he works up a storm, then like a tornado, his work leaves your brain all twisted and scattered across the room trying to find its way back to sanity.