I was a craft sale last week and there was an elderly couple that were both making felted animals of all shapes and sizes. I fell in love with this sasquatch guy and just had to have'm. Then later when I saw their business card I realized that they were the parents of the famed Winnipeg artist Marcel Dzama, whom I've been a fan of since he started to make art at the University of Manitoba. (I'm sure he was making art before that). So I told them about the story how I had an opportunity to get a work of his for really cheap at the beginning of his career from a gallery art fundraiser but then at the last moment opted to get a fabric sewn alien robot instead from another artist, and now I am getting a fabric creature from them. The Marcel Dzama art would have been worth a small fortune right now. I guess I was telling them that I really like these artistic one of a kind figures. Oh, and they do commissions. Jeanette & Maurice. zama48@shaw.ca
Last year there was a craft sale right across from my studio and I saw this little guy and fell in love with it. (I'm a grown man for goodness sakes!) It also happens to be felted wool. Made by a gal named Meg at iHeartArts, not sure if she is still around anymore. He sits amongst the pens and pencils in a wide-mouthed frog container by my computer.