Chris Johnson - fridge magnet - laminated cut out color xerox - 7 x 8 in
I was attending the Central Canada Comic Convention here in Winnipeg a number of years ago. I had an artist table there selling my own stuff. It's hard to get away from your own table to look around at all the other artists and dealers, but you just have to spend a chunk of time looking around even though you might be missing out on sales of your own merchandise. You just never know what you may find.
A couple rows away from me was this young fellow with his art all out on display. It was laminated and cut to shape as huge fridge magnets. This was the first time he was showing his work. I fell in love with it and I wanted some. I had a hard time deciding as there was so much. Not too many people were biting on his stuff. It's a comic convention and people are there for Batman I suppose. The convention was two days and I bought these two pieces on Saturday. I wanted to go back and buy some more but I got really busy near the end of the day, then had to pack up. I'll get some on Sunday I thought, but the artist did not come back to set up. I guess he thought it was not worth while for him to be there.
I occasionally do web searches to see if I can find anything about this guy, but so far I've come up with ziltch. At least I got his name.